Castle Road Footbridge

The Regional Director of Network Rail has confirmed that replacement of the bridge was proceeding and would be completed before the end of the year. However there is a lot of piling and preparatory work to be done on the site and he has committed to consult residents about the impact of this shortly

We will be working to ensure the Common is reinstated properly and without delay as soon as the compound area is no longer required for the bridge works.

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Volunteers sought

Epsom Downs Consultative Committee – 25th March

At the meeting on the 25th March two issues dominated the agenda: the question Langley Vale residents had asked us to raise on the overgrown vegetation encroaching on your gardens, and the maintenance of the Downs more generally and the condition of the new notice boards.

Maintenance of the Downs

We understand that the vegetation encroaching into your back gardens from the Downs was cut back within days of our informing the Streetcare Manager following our July Open Meeting at Langley Vale Village Hal. To help with and improve the grass cutting going forward the Council is in the process of purchasing its own flail cutter.  This issue is now on the Streetcare Manager’s radar but if there is an issue this year you just need to let us know on  or make contact any of our Councillors/Committee Members and we will get in touch with the Streetcare Manager again.

Issues with the Listed Wall and the state of the trees in Warren Wood at the back of properties on the upper part of Beaconsfield Road were raised and it was agreed to investigate.

Information Boards

On the information boards we are looking for volunteers to help us rub down and varnish the boards ahead of final versions of the content being mounted. We noted that the current content was temporary while final content is being agreed with the EU funders and completed.

It would be fantastic if some of you would be willing to help with this specific task. If you can help, please get in touch on  and we will let you have further information. 

There is also an ongoing review of the existing signage to ensure there isn’t too much of it and what there is isn’t contradictory.


The Council is eager to welcome more volunteers to help with implementing the 2023-2028 Downs Habitat Management Plan which you can find here. It was stressed that the plan is quite prescriptive to balance biodiversity with the racing industry but that it is a live document and can change if issues are raised that need to be addressed.  Current issues being actioned were Ash Dieback; the planting of new trees; and improving the grassland management including looking at the feasibility of re-introducing sheep grazing on Juniper Hill.

Again if you would be willing to volunteer on the Downs please contact us on  or make contact any of our Councillors/Committee Members.

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Ash Dieback Action Plan

It is good to see work has started on the Ash dieback Action Plan on the Epsom Downs footpaths where the risk of harm to walkers is greatest.

You can find more about the implications of Ash Dieback, the action plan and plans for replanting here

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Latest on Demolition on Epsom Hospital site

Demolition of main building is now underway. At a meeting last week the demolition contractor reported that the work was progressing quite slowly and the project is approximately 5 weeks behind schedule because of the extensive asbestos found. Great care is being taken to avoid dust and noise. All demolished material is being taken off site and 85% is recycled. This is about 4 loads per day.

The present hospital entrance off Woodcote Green Road will be temporarily relocated to the area previously occupied by Woodcote Lodge to allow safe demolition of that part of Rowan House which is close to the present entrance.

Demolition of the tall chimney is expected to begin mid-May. The top 20m will be removed by had after full scaffolding; the remainder by machine. Completion is still expected in October when the area will become temporary car parking.

Our overall impression is that the contractor is being careful and responsible and is likely to respond to any residents’ concerns. They are working hard not to cause undue nuisance to residents.

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Annual General Meeting Report

A copy of the full minutes of the meeting can be found here.

Our AGM on Monday evening was well attended and residents generated a lively discussion.

Surrey Police and Crime Commissioner Election Presentation

The evening started with a presentation by Alex Coley who is planning to stand as an independent in the May election for Surrey Police and Crime Commissioner (see note below). Alex was born and raised in Surrey, still lives locally and has been a local RA councillor since 2018.  He has a strong interest in, and experience of policing and is a believer of visible policing.

He does not believe things are working well now in Surrey and set out what his priorities would be.  In his opinion this is more because of a political choice to build up reserves than a lack of resourcing.  He also highlighted that Surrey Police was alone in being majority funded by council tax rather than government funding which was moving towards an American model of policing which would lead to a lack of consistency across England and was not an approach he wanted to see continuing to be rolled-out. 

Residents discussed with Alex their concerns about the safety of women and girls in the borough not being given the attention it needed; the street lighting policy; drug use; anti-social behaviour and the importance of restoring activities for young people in the borough.

Residents’ Issues

The formal AGM business was concluded with a minimum of fuss to allow most of the time to be spent on what was a lively and engaged discussion about local issues and concerns.  The two main areas of discussion were local planning and the state of our roads.

Local planning and in particular

  • The Guild Living Site at Epsom Hospital and the related application for a multi-storey car park and we were pleased to announce that James Blythe, the Managing Director of the Epsom & St Helier University Hospital NHS Trust has agreed to speak at our next Residents meeting about the plans for Epsom Hospital. The meeting is at the Epsom Sports Club at 7.30 pm on Thursday 17 October 2024.
  • Construction problems; planning enforcement issues and car parking problems at the Woodcote Grove residential development.
  • Closure and rebuilding of the Castle Road footbridge and the impact of the works on Epsom Common.
  • How the Borough had to start building houses again if our young people are going to be able to live locally and how it would take a complete change in approach.

State of local roads

The appalling condition of many local roads; the impact of potholes on residents, the number of accidents and how it is preventing them from cycling locally and the congestion on the A24 at the junction with Woodcote Green Road and suggestions made of how this could be addressed were discussed.

Ideas were also shared about how to address some of the challenges facing the council if they are to continue to meet the needs of residents in the borough including the most vulnerable and those impacted most by the cost-of-living crisis; the growing levels homelessness and the costs and difficulties sourcing temporary accommodation and the level of suicide across the Borough which has been higher than most other parts of Surrey.

Finally there was an interesting discussion about the work of the Environment Committee and the Climate Action Plan; the importance of cycling to local people and the plans for a Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan in Epsom & Ewell. The tree planting strategy in the Borough and how the management of local allotments was being improved.

Find out more here about the Surrey Police and Crime Commissioner Election, 2 May 2024. A full list of persons nominated will be published on 8 April 2024.

Find out more about Alex Coley

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Langley Bottom Farm Residential Development

Demolition of the farm buildings is now advanced. The developers are proceeding on the basis of the original permitted appeal scheme. We’ll be keeping a close eye on developments and will update further as soon as we have any details on timeframes etc.

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National Day of Reflection – 3 March 2024

Yesterday our Councillors laid ribbon wreaths on the Covid Memorial Benches installed across the Borough to commemorate all those who lost their lives in the pandemic.

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Please come along and offer your support for what we do.

Haywain Brewers Fayre on Dorking Road Epsom on 11 March 2024 at 7.30pm. It is an important opportunity for you to hear about what is going on in Woodcote and Langley Vale and to contribute your thoughts on how we can help to improve where we live.

Our speaker will be Alex Coley, who will be running as an independent for the role of Surrey Police and Crime Commissioner in the May elections.

The agenda and papers are now available here


Review of Public Rights of Way

A public right of way is a path that anyone, by law has the right to use.

Surrey County Council is responsible for around 2164 miles of public rights of ways. These paths are in both the countryside and urban areas. They are important for enjoying and exploring, for travelling to work or school and for health and wellbeing.

Work has now begun to update Surrey County Council’s Rights of Way Improvement Plan. The current plan dates back to 2014. These plans set out how the public rights of way network can meet everyone’s needs now and in the future.  

A public online survey has been set up and Surrey County Council hope as many members of the public will complete it as possible. 

You can find the survey is at and closes at midnight on 10 March 2024.

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Epsom Hospital Multi Storey Car Park Development – to be delayed and reviewed

WERS is pleased to have received a helpful car park update from Epsom & St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust. They have also confirmed that trust Managing Director, James Blyth, has agreed to speak at our Autumn Open Meeting – details to follow shortly.

We understand that plans for the multi-storey car park are not going to progress on the short term.

Instead, the hospital is looking at potential upgrades and maintenance to the current Epsom Hospital car park while they review different design options and potential improvements before a formal design phase later in 2024.

They are re-looking in particular at:

Legal requirements including the need for wider bays to make access earlier for blue-badge parkers

Exploring ways to make car parking as sustainable and future-proof as possible including adding additional electronic vehicle bays and ways to support staff travel schemes

Further traffic modelling to confirm the projected parking needs once the new Specialist Emergency Care Hospital is opened in Sutton by 2030.

More to follow shortly on improvements over the past year, the findings of a new condition survey currently underway and plans for a new five-year estates strategy.

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