Coronavirus information

We know that this is a particularly unsettling time for those over the age of 70 and for those who are unwell, or have had to self-isolate.

Whilst many have family and friends who can rally round, we know that not everyone does. A considerable amount of work is being done right now by local charities, the Councils, and the volunteer groups that have emerged in recent days to ensure that they can provide everyone with the support they need, and also to make the best use of the people who have offered help.

Several of those organisations, including representatives of the Residents’ Association in E&E, have met to coordinate those activities and make them safe, and those involved will send round more details later in the week of what help is needed and what to do if you need help.

In the meanwhile please make your neighbours your first port of call to make sure that they are OK.

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Planning Application, Epsom Hospital

20/00249/FUL | Erection of a multi storey car park | Epsom General Hospital Dorking Road Epsom Surrey KT18 7EG

Epsom Hospital has submitted a planning application for a multi storey car park on the site. Public consultation is open until 18th March

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Amended Planning Application – Stonegate Homes

19/00999/FUL | Demolition of existing office buildings and redevelopment of Application Site to provide 98 apartments/dwellings, including conversion of the Grade II* Listed Woodcote Grove and Grade II Listed Stable Block, with parking, access, landscaping and other associated works. | Woodcote Grove Ashley Road Epsom Surrey KT18 5BW

Amended plans have been submitted by Stonegate Homes for the redevelopment of part of the former Atkins site. The closing date for public comments is 20th March

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Spring 2020 newsletter

We are happy to present the latest WERS newsletter for Spring 2020.

A bumper issue with hot topics for our residents.

We have our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 3rd March 2020 8pm at St. Martins School, Ashley Road. Come along and get involved with your local area, make a difference, have your say, listen to what else is going on.

We hope to have a special guest to talk about Climate Change as well. To be confirmed.

Attached below is the PDF of the newsletter.

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Meeting about Future of Services at Epsom Hospital

Epsom & Ewell Borough Council are hosting a meeting for Epsom & Ewell residents to enable them to hear about the proposed changes to the provision of healthcare at Epsom Hospital

This meeting will be held on Wednesday 26 February 2020 at Bourne Hall.  Doors open at 6.30 and the meeting will start at 7.00

Changes have recently been highlighted in a proposal by the NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups for the co-location of several critical and emergency care services to be delivered from a new facility at one site, at either Epsom, St Helier or Sutton.

This meeting will provide residents of Epsom & Ewell the opportunity to listen to a presentation by Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust, to hear about how the proposal may affect services specific for borough residents and to answer their questions and concerns.

Representatives of the Improving Healthcare Together Programme may be in attendance to support any questions, but this meeting is for local residents and is not part of the public consultation being undertaken by the programme.

If you would like to come to the meeting, please register at

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Events at Langley Vale Wood in 2020

Summary of all events:

The Woodland Trust is pleased to be offering some brand new events at Langley Vale Wood in 2020, as well as a repeat of the popular guided walks.

Choose from dawn chorus and butterfly themed walks, guided walks, yoga and photography workshops this year. Details and booking information is at search for ‘Langley’ in the box on the top right corner.

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Redevelopment of part of Epsom Hospital site

The planning application for the redevelopment of the land sold by the Epsom Hospital trust has now been validated and public consultation is open.  If you would like to register your comments for consideration by the Council Planning officer, please click on the link below.

Demolition of the existing hospital buildings, accommodation block and associated structures and redevelopment of the site to provide a new care community for older people arranged in two buildings, comprising 302 to 308 care residences, 8 to 12 care apartments and 26 to 30 care suites proving transitional care, together with ancillary communal and support services Use Class C2, 24 key worker units Use Class C3, childrens nursery Use Class D1 as well as associated back of house and service areas, car and cycle parking, altered vehicular and pedestrian access, landscaping, private amenity space and public open space

Epsom General Hospital Dorking Road Epsom Surrey KT18 7EG

Ref. No: 19/01722/FUL | Validated: Mon 27 Jan 2020 | Status: Awaiting decision

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Annual General Meeting (AGM) 3rd March 2020 from 8pm

We would like to invite all Woodcote ward residents to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Woodcote (Epsom) Residents’ Society (WERS) on 3rd March 2020 from 8pm at St. Martins School, Ashley Road, Epsom.

An agenda and previous minutes will be available on the web site shortly.

Please come and join us on the evening to learn what the group has been doing and also share what you’d like the group to do more of.

All Woodcote ward residents welcome.

Thank you.


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Woodcote Grove Ashley Road Epsom Surrey KT18 5BW

Demolition of existing office buildings and redevelopment of Application Site to provide 115 apartments/dwellings, including conversion of the Grade II* Listed Woodcote Grove and Grade II Listed Stable Block, with parking, access, landscaping and other associated works (Listed Building Consent)

(Right click on above link for full details)

Ref. No: 19/00999/FUL and 19/00998/LBA | Validated: Thu 22 Aug 2019 | Status: Awaiting decision | Validated: Thu 22 Aug 2019 | Status: Awaiting decision

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22-24 Dorking Road Epsom Surrey KT18 7LX

Ref. No: 19/01365/FUL | Validated: Mon 21 Oct 2019 | Status: Awaiting decision

Demolition of existing houses and erection of a part two, part three storey building with rooms in the roof and basement providing 20 flats. Basement parking for cars and cycles. Bins stores and associated hard and soft landscaping including new boundary walls and railings.

Right click on the above link for full details

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