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Member Subscriptions
Annual membership costs just £5 per household from 1 January each year. A larger donation would of course be very welcome and would go towards improving our communications with residents.
Paying your subscription is very simple to arrange. You can either pay:
-by bank transfer
Account Name: Woodcote (Epsom) Residents' Society
Account Details: Sort Code 23-05-80 Account Number 18192567
Reference – Your postcode and house number
Then email us on info@woodcoteresidentssociety.org with your email so we can send you a receipt/add you to our email list.
-by setting up a standing order or direct debit
-by cash or cheque to one of our Councillors or Committee Members. We can collect payments from you if you email us on info@woodcoteepsomresidentssociety.org.
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Category Archives: News
Surrey County Council Faces Battle in Bid to Scrap Borough and District Councils
A plan to scrap Surrey County Council, Guildford Borough Council and the 10 other Borough and District councils in Surrey and combine them in a single unitary authority is being promoted by Tim Oliver (Con, Weybridge), leader of Surrey County … Continue reading
Freewheelers Freedom Film Festival – THIS COMING WEEK
The attachment below is a full programme for four nights of Freewheeler films being shown from Tuesday 14th – Friday 17th July, from 7pm on YouTube. Each evening of films is followed by a Q & A Live on Facebook … Continue reading
Covid-19 Councillor update April 10th
Thank you to all who have been following the Government’s instructions during this difficult time. We do hope that by following these to the letter the rate of spread of the virus will soon plateau and begin to fall. This … Continue reading
Fruit and veg boxes available to order by phone/email and delivered to your door
This has been set up by the proprietor of Yo Sarnie! On Upper High Street (in Town Ward, but a residential Ruxley resident). Not only could you help a local person in need but you would also be supporting a much … Continue reading
Electricians needed
40 FULLY QUALIFIED ELECTRICIANS needed for Monday start at Excel to build the new Nightingale hospital, £20ph, min 9rs per day, spread the word and give Georgie.Loveday@lbbd.gov.uk or Shantice.Blaize@lbbd.gov.uk an email
Epsom & Ewell Borough Council Business Brief
Below is an update providing information on a number of business support measures available during the Coronovirus outbreak. Coronavirus Business Support: The Government has announced a full range of business support measures available to UK businesses. Further information, including financial support packages … Continue reading
Coronavirus Covid-19: council services update
Please find below a link which will give you the latest information on council service updates. A huge amount of useful information about what the borough council is doing and has done. https://cloud.epsom-ewell.gov.uk/cvpn/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZXBzb20tZXdlbGwuZ292LnVr/news/coronavirus-covid-19-council-services-update
Help staff and patients park for free
Own a driveway or parking space near a hospital or healthcare facility? Make your spare parking space available for free to NHS, healthcare staff and patients during the Coronavirus pandemic. It only takes 2 minutes to add a new space! … Continue reading
Coronavirus information
We know that this is a particularly unsettling time for those over the age of 70 and for those who are unwell, or have had to self-isolate. Whilst many have family and friends who can rally round, we know that … Continue reading
Spring 2020 newsletter
We are happy to present the latest WERS newsletter for Spring 2020. A bumper issue with hot topics for our residents. We have our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 3rd March 2020 8pm at St. Martins School, Ashley Road. Come … Continue reading