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Member Subscriptions
Annual membership costs just £5 per household from 1 January each year. A larger donation would of course be very welcome and would go towards improving our communications with residents.
Paying your subscription is very simple to arrange. You can either pay:
-by bank transfer
Account Name: Woodcote (Epsom) Residents' Society
Account Details: Sort Code 23-05-80 Account Number 18192567
Reference – Your postcode and house number
Then email us on info@woodcoteresidentssociety.org with your email so we can send you a receipt/add you to our email list.
-by setting up a standing order or direct debit
-by cash or cheque to one of our Councillors or Committee Members. We can collect payments from you if you email us on info@woodcoteepsomresidentssociety.org.
Recent Posts
Category Archives: News Update
Have Your Say on Epsom Town Centre’s Future
Epsom Town Centre Masterplan – please feedback your views to one of the Committee Continue reading
Maintenance on Epsom and Walton Downs
New Habitat Management Plan sets out how a balance between mowing and cutting long grass and providing space for wildflowers and nature will be achieved Continue reading
Local Hospital Updates
The latest on the development of Epsom Hospital Car Park and how ULEZ will impact on visiting St Helier Hospital if your car does not meet the ULEZ emissions standards Continue reading
Do you have a community project that you need funding for?
Have you got a local community project that you are looking for funding for?
Continue reading
July News Update: Open Meeting Report
Wide ranging discussion at our first face-face meeting with residents Continue reading
June News Update
COUNCIL ELECTIONS All three of your Residents Association Councillors were successfully re-elected in May. Thank you so much for turning out and supporting us. Liz Frost, Bernice Froud and Steven McCormick are local people, living locally in the ward making … Continue reading