How to become a member
It is easy to join – no forms to fill in.
Annual membership costs just £5 per household payable on 1 January each year
Paying your subscription is very simple to arrange.
You can either pay:
-by bank transfer
Account Name: Woodcote (Epsom) Residents’ Society
Account Details: Sort Code 23-05-80 Account Number 18192567
Reference – Your postcode and house number
-by setting up a standing order or direct debit
-by cash or cheque to one of our Councillors or Committee Members.
We can collect payments from you if you email us on
Why do we need members to join the Society
The subscription helps the Woodcote (Epsom) Residents Society to:
-support local residents with local issues that directly affect them
-hold in-person resident’s meetings
-produce our quarterly newsletters and run our website to keep you up-to-date with local issues
-pay for the costs of canvassing option from residents
-support your Resident’s Association candidates at borough and county council elections.
See our latest letters from John Mumford our Chair inviting you to become a member or to continue your membership of if you are a life member to continue to contribute to our work.
What can you do as a member?
We would like to hear from you on any subject which you think involves us or we can help with. You can use the contact form or contact our Chair John Mumford on
Give us your support on any matter affecting residents and the Woodcote and Langley vale community.
Sign-up to electronic updates so we can keep you up to date with the news around the ward.
Contribute to the magazine or comment about our newsletter or website.
Advertise your business in our newsletter
You are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting. This is an opportunity for you to hear what is going on in our area, what is planned and what needs to be considered. It is also an opportunity for you to contribute your thoughts both formally and informally to the Committee and to the Councillors.
The Society functions through the efforts of willing volunteers and we are always keen to hear from anyone who is prepared to help. We are always pleased to recruit members to act as road representatives. They are the eyes and ears for their fellow residents in identifying what problems or issues are concerning or affecting, people. Road representatives deliver our quarterly magazine.
We also need people who are interested in joining our Committee. The effort involved is not huge but the benefit to yourself and to other residents can be significant.
If you would like to find out more about what is involved please contact our chair John Mumford on