A revised planning application has now been submitted for a 3 dwelling unit scheme for the redevelopment of the Green Gables site.
This follows on from the earlier refusal for a 4-unit scheme on the site This scheme is considered by the applicant to address the previous officer reasons for refusal relating to perceived harm to the character of the area, ecology of the site and street trees.
Details can be found here and you can submit comments on the application until 6 August 2024.
Woodcote (Epsom) Residents’ Society (W(E)RS) is pleased to confirm its support for this three unit scheme which it considers to be appropriate for the site in terms of design, scale and materials and safeguards residential amenity, townscape and character of the surrounding area. We have asked that any permission is subject to appropriate conditions covering landscaping, trees, boundary fencing and obscure glazing. This should include a condition restricting householder permitted development rights in order to safeguard the spaciousness and verdancy of the submitted scheme.