We are delighted to be able to confirm that this application has been refused. Details can be found here
Homes by Harlequin developers have submitted a further planning application for an additional detached house on the left-hand side of the farm track to Langley Bottom Farm separate from the housing estate permitted on appeal.
They are claiming that the footings of a long gone building constitute ‘Previously Developed Land’ and that impact on the Green Belt be minimal on land that they consider makes little contribution to the purposes for having Green Belt as defined in the National Planning Policy Framework.
Details can be found here
WERS will be submitting a robust objection to this application on the grounds that it would have a significant impact on openness of this area of Green Belt and would seriously undermine the case for retention of the rest of this Green Belt area. WERS will also be arguing that the site should be excluded from the definition of Previously Developed Land (which enables re-development even in the Green Belt) because this does not include circumstances where ‘the remains of the permanent structure or fixed surface structure have blended into the landscape.’ WERS would argue that this is the case here. The photos below leave little doubt about this.
It would be helpful if as many of you as possible also submitted individual objections. We will be seeking to have the application ‘called in’ which means it will be determined by the Planning Committee in the circumstances of it being recommended for planning permission by Officers under their delegated powers.