The revised application for 5 dwellings on this backland site between Whitehorse Drive and Bucknills Close was refused by the Planning Committee at its meeting last Thursday.
We had strongly endorsed the objections submitted by local residents and the owner of the local construction company at 13 Whitehorse Drive in our written objection. Councillor Frost also appeared at the Planning Committee to argue against the scheme and this was undoubtedly significant in persuading the Committee to refuse the planning application against officer advice.
The access arrangements were still wholly inadequate and the previous reason for refusal still stood with inadequate space available within the access road to safely accommodate both pedestrian and vehicular movements. In addition the revised arrangements for the refuse and recycling collection were not practical.
On these two points the application was therefore contrary to Policy CS16 of the Core Strategy 2007 and Policy DM,10, 16 and 36 of the Epsom and Ewell Borough Council Development Management Policies 2015.