Residents may be aware that WERS has been campaigning sometime now for the derelict former hospital buildings on the Woodcote Green Road frontage to be demolished. This site has been an eyesore for over 2 years now following the decision of the owners to remove the roof structures. Since then we understand that the developer Guild Living has withdrawn it’s interest and the owners are still seeking a new developer for presumably an alternative scheme that will need to be submitted for planning permission at some future date.
WERS Chair John Mumford and Woodcote & Langley Vale ward Councillor Steve McCormick have been stepping up the pressure for the Council to take action with the land owner on the deplorable state of the site.
We’re delighted to confirm that this now seems to have borne fruit. Epsom & St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust together with the demolition contractors Wring Group have this week confirmed that demolition works are due to commence on Monday 8 January and continue through to 5 July. This will involve the demolition of Woodcote Lodge and Rowan House on the Woodcote Green Rd frontage, together with the Boiler House and York House to the rear.
WERS will continue to provide any relevant updates to you on our website and on X. We are also advised that site information will be updated regularly by the contractor on a notice board on Woodcote Green Road.