Dear Residents

Today is the beginning of the week before Christmas and I would like to send you best wishes for Christmas and the New Year
It’s also a chance to update you on some important local issues and to give you advance notice of our Annual General Meeting at the Haywain Brewers Fayre on Dorking Road Epsom on 11 March 2024 at 7.30pm. I hope you will come and offer your support for what we do. The AGM is an important opportunity to hear what is going on in our area, what is planned and to contribute your thoughts on how we can help to improve where we live. More details of the meeting to follow in the New Year.
The Society is here to help make sure local voices are heard and influence local decision making but to do that we need to hear from you about the problems and issues affecting you. We function entirely through the efforts of a few volunteers and we are always pleased when members get in touch. If you would like to find out more about what we do please visit our website and if you have any queries complete the ‘Contact us’ form on the web site or e-mail me at . The benefit to you and your family and to other residents of getting involved can be significant. You will be warmly welcomed.
Finally, I would like to give a warm welcome to our new residents and urge everyone to support the Society in 2024 by renewing your annual membership in January. It is very easy to pay on the website or by bank transfer. Without your subscriptions we cannot produce these newsletters, maintain our website, or support local residents with local issues. In addition if you have a local business it makes sense to advertise in our quarterly newsletter which goes to 2,500 residents in Woodcote & Langley Vale. Rates can be found on our website or by emailing
John Mumford, Chair