31st March 2020 Epsom Cemetery In line with the government requirements, Epsom Cemetery is now closed to the public but funerals and interments will continue to take place, with some restrictions on the numbers of mourners attending as per government instructions. This decision reflects the requirements of the Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020, which came into force last week. Social Distancing in parks We would like to thank our residents who are diligently following government instructions to stay at home and only go outside for essential supplies, to help the vulnerable, and to exercise once a day. We are still seeing non-family groups gathering in some of our parks and we urge residents to only exercise, not socialise, within walking distance of your home. Mixing with people outside of your household is risking people’s lives. Unfortunately Long Grove Park has seen large gatherings of people, whilst Bourne Hall has been so busy people have been unable to practice effective social distancing. Both parks have been temporarily closed. We will be reviewing the situation and re-opening the parks when it is safe to do so. To avoid further closures and ensure the safety of you and others, please follow the government’s instructions. Parking in residential streets We recognise that due to the coronavirus outbreak, there is less parking capacity on some of our residential roads as more people are at home. Surrey County Council, as the local highway authority, has agreed to temporarily suspend parking restrictions on single yellow lines in quiet residential roads. It’s essential that we maintain safe roads and pavements for pedestrians, and the free flow of traffic, particularly for emergency services and refuse collections. Therefore we’ll be concentrating our enforcement on dangerous or inconsiderate parking, for example on corners or blocking access. Illegal parking in disabled bays, at bus stops and on double yellow lines will continue to be enforced. |
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Annual membership costs just £5 per household from 1 January each year. A larger donation would of course be very welcome and would go towards improving our communications with residents.
Paying your subscription is very simple to arrange. You can either pay:
-by bank transfer
Account Name: Woodcote (Epsom) Residents' Society
Account Details: Sort Code 23-05-80 Account Number 18192567
Reference – Your postcode and house number
Then email us on info@woodcoteresidentssociety.org with your email so we can send you a receipt/add you to our email list.
-by setting up a standing order or direct debit
-by cash or cheque to one of our Councillors or Committee Members. We can collect payments from you if you email us on info@woodcoteepsomresidentssociety.org.
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