The society continues to keep a watching eye on applications and progress concerns with planning items in the Woodcote and Langley Vale ward.
A concern made in February has seen amendments to plans to omit the roof lights on the Chalk Lane elevation.
Woodcote (Epsom) Residents’ Society (W(E)RS) is concerned about the potential noise impact and further urbanisation arising from the proposed opening roof lights on the SW elevation of Block D. These roof lights would in all likelihood result in a third bedroom within the roof space. Block D is close to the boundary brick wall and the resulting roof openings would be well above the wall ridge. This would potentially enable loud music to drift over and totally change the feeling of this part of the Chalk Lane Conservation Area which has special qualities with its rural character and quiet ambience, notwithstanding the Grumpy Mole opposite. We propose that the rooflights should be conditioned to be non- opening on the SW elevation of Block D. This would still allow for natural ventilation with opening roof lights on the inward-facing slope.